Una vez el amor y al locura se encontraron en una isla muy lejana. Un dia, jugando en la arena, la locura le lastimo los ojos al amor..-perdoname!-dijo la locura,-ahora tendre que servirte para toda la vida..-
Desde ese dia el amor es ciego y se deja llevar por la locura..

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Don't know much about your life. Don't know much about your world, but don't want to be alone toniGht on this planet they call earth.
You don't know about my past, and I don't have a future fiGured out.
And maybe this is going too fast..And maybe it's not meant to last..
But what do you say to taking chances, What do you say to jumping off the edge?. Never knowing if there's solid ground below(or hand to hold, or hell to pay)..What do you say?
What do you say?
I just want to start aGain.. And maybe you could show me how to try.
And maybe you could take me in, somewhere underneath your skin.


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