Una vez el amor y al locura se encontraron en una isla muy lejana. Un dia, jugando en la arena, la locura le lastimo los ojos al amor..-perdoname!-dijo la locura,-ahora tendre que servirte para toda la vida..-
Desde ese dia el amor es ciego y se deja llevar por la locura..

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

If I could escape I would but, first of all, let me say: I must apologize for acting stank and treating you this way.  Cause I´ve been acting like sour milk all on the floor.
If I could escape and recreate a place that's my own world. And I could be your favourite girl, forever: perfectly together.  Tell me boy now wouldn´t that be sweet?.
You held me down, I'm at my lowest boiling point. Come help me out, I need to get me out of this joint. Come on let's bounce, counting on you to turn me around.

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