Una vez el amor y al locura se encontraron en una isla muy lejana. Un dia, jugando en la arena, la locura le lastimo los ojos al amor..-perdoname!-dijo la locura,-ahora tendre que servirte para toda la vida..-
Desde ese dia el amor es ciego y se deja llevar por la locura..

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Smile, though your heart is aching.
Smile, even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by If you smile.
Through your fears and sorrow, smile... And maybe tomorrow, you'll see the sun come shining through for you, light up your face with gladness.
Hide every trace of sadness.
Although a tear may be ever so near: That's the time you must keep on trying.
Smile, What's the use of crying?.
You'll find that life is still worhwhile, If you just smile.

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