Una vez el amor y al locura se encontraron en una isla muy lejana. Un dia, jugando en la arena, la locura le lastimo los ojos al amor..-perdoname!-dijo la locura,-ahora tendre que servirte para toda la vida..-
Desde ese dia el amor es ciego y se deja llevar por la locura..

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010

I dream of you - and all the things you say
I wonder where you are now?
Hold me down - all the world's asleep
I need you now - you've knocked me off my feet
I dream of you - we talk of growing old
But you said please don't !
Slide in baby - together we'll fly
I've tried praying - and I know just what you're saying to me
Now that you're mine. I'll find a way of chasing the sun.
Let me be the one that shines with you, in the morning when you don't know what to do
Two of a kind we'll find a way to do what we've done.
Let me be the one that shines with you
And we can slide away.

viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

A veces las palabras sobran. A veces la palabra justa es esa que se calla.
A veces no hay palabras. A veces las palabras se escuchan sin que sean dichas.
Hay palabras que curan, y otras que matan. A veces callamos para evitar más dolor y en ese silencio aparecen las palabras que tanto necesitábamos.
Un silencio, una palabra sencilla o un monologo irritante, todo habla, todo dice. Pero a veces no alcanzan ni los silencios ni las palabras, hay que ir más allá, pasar de la palabra al acto, porque el resto, el resto es puro bla bla

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

I can't fiGht this feeling any longer, and yet I'm still afraid to let it flow. What started out as friendship has grown stronger.I only wish I had the strength to let it show.
And ever as I wander I'm keeping you in sight.

You're a candle in the window on a cold dark winter's night. And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might
And I can't fight this feeling anymore. I've forgotten what I've started fighting for. It's time to bring this ship into the shore, and throw away the oars.
Baby I can't fight this feeling anymore.

Amigas como vos hay pocas.

Vos que siempre estás ahi para ayudarme y escucharme. Que sin importa lo repetitiva y dependiente que soy, día a día estás conmigo.
Te quiero muuucho amiga.
Sabes que soy incapaz de cambiarte. También sabes que como estás vos, siempre pero siempre voy a estar.
Gracias por tanto. Siempre juntas, hasta en Bahamas.
Te amo.

Don't know much about your life. Don't know much about your world, but don't want to be alone toniGht on this planet they call earth.
You don't know about my past, and I don't have a future fiGured out.
And maybe this is going too fast..And maybe it's not meant to last..
But what do you say to taking chances, What do you say to jumping off the edge?. Never knowing if there's solid ground below(or hand to hold, or hell to pay)..What do you say?
What do you say?
I just want to start aGain.. And maybe you could show me how to try.
And maybe you could take me in, somewhere underneath your skin.


In every time, in every reason: God know i've tried

When lights go down, i see no reason for you to cry. We've been through this before. In every time, in every season, god knows i've tried.
Can't you see it in my eyes that this might be our last goodbye
Carrie, carrie, things they change my friend
I wish you could explain it all takes time,

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010


I was crying when I met you. Now I'm trying to forget you.
Love it sweet misery.
I was crying just to get you. Now I'm dying 'cause I let you do what you want do what you do
down on me.

Solo yo

And I know its only in my mind, that i'm talking to myself and not to him.
And although I know that he is blind...Still I say that theres a way for us. Without him, the world around me changes.
I love him, but everyday i'm learning: all my life i've only been pretending.
Without me, his world will go on turning.. A world that's full of happiness that I have never known I love him.. But
only on my own


Extraño contarte mis cosas, y que me escuches. Pero extraño mucho más nuestra amistad..